Playhouse- Part II

We decided to make the frame for the house in the garage and then attach each wall.  We knew once we had this done, that we would need to then put the sides and roof on quickly.  Here is the frame completed and on the deck.  I realized after it was put together that I did not take any pictures.  But that is ok…because in the next few weeks I will have a chance to take them step-by-step…and will explain in a later post.  😉

The boards on the top are making sure the 4x4s stay straight and in place while we work on building the house around it.

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV


One response to “Playhouse- Part II”

  1. Connie Shockley Avatar
    Connie Shockley

    Wow October, I’m impressed. Hey, don’t worry about your cooking when you can build a playhouse like this!