I follow way too many blogs to even talk about…but this one in particular is AWESOME! It is called Knock Off Wood. It is a lady in Alaska that spends time designing and making furniture that looks like something you would buy from Pottery Barn. She posted plans for a playhouse a couple weeks ago, so Wade and I decided it was time to start rebuilding ours that we tore down last year. With our teeny-tiny backyard and VERY unlevel ground, we started working.
We built the frame first so that we could square it up and use it as a template for the 4 posts.
Next we put the posts in the ground then leveled the template and put the bolts in it through the 4 posts. The girls were very helpful during this part.
Sydney helped Wade hold down the wood as he cut the pieces. Stacey, well I don’t know what she was doing.
Then we added the underneath supports for the deck.
That is when I got to go to work on the deck. Notice how the girls have a hammer and crowbar???
Here are the girls just before the storm in the background moved through. We had most of the deck finished…we just had to rip 3 boards for the ends and middle.
One response to “Playhouse- Part I”
Cool, I can’t wait to see the final result.