As promised, here is a look inside the playhouse:
Tag: playhouse
Playhouse- Final
If you have been following my blog for more than 6 months, then you have seen the drama over our outdoor adventures. For example the first phase of our playhouse here, and then the second part here, and the mistakes here, and then finishing up here. I never did post the final pictures of it. So here they are. I will borrow a wide lens to take pictures of the inside later.
The girls were excited that they have a door like Punky Brewster. Yes…cause my girls have every episode of Punky memorized.
There is electricity (an extension cord) running from the garage out to the top of the playhouse. This plugs in the AC unit–YES it is HOT in Houston and I don’t want the girls dying of heat stroke–and it also gives them light in the playhouse.
And in case you were wondering…I will NEVER be a roofer! At least not in Houston!
Playhouse- Part IV
After working all weekend, *most* of the playhouse is finished. Now it is just fine details that need to be added.
This weekend, we had to finish the other 1/2 of the roof. This time, we decided to put the shingles on the roof like roofers do. Wade was able to get the plywood up on the rafters while I screwed it in. We added the tar paper and then I shingled…in the dark since it was so darn hot outside. This made for some interesting lines… 🙂 We realized as we got down to the very end, we were 2 shingles short. UGH!!! The next morning I headed back to HD to get 2 more. Of course, I failed to get the right color so 2 shingles are tan instead of red. I was NOT about to go back to HD for $2. I put these last 2 shingles on at 7am…and I decided I WILL NOT BE A ROOFER in my next career!
Now we are doing the details. Wade helped me put most of the trim on. The door is finished, but we need bigger hinges. The inside is painted. The only major thing we have left to do is the railing around the front. This weekend…I am confident we will finish! At least we better!
Playhouse- Part III
To continue the saga of the playhouse, I dove back into working on it (yes, this project started in May and it is now August). Mind you, it is now the hottest part of the summer here in Houston, TX. The heat index is over 100 everyday. But I wanted to have this finished before school started so I needed to work on it as much as possible.
To back up just a bit, when we left for vacation mid-June, Wade had the goal to get the siding on the frame that was already on the playhouse. Without any help, and the monsoons that came through, the frame mildewed before the siding was put on. The weekend prior, I unscrewed the frame from the deck and put it in a burn pile and we got new wood.
Having done it once already, we decided to put the siding on the frame, then put it on the house. This would serve to square up the playhouse. Before, we put the frame on the deck and then planned on adding the siding. This is what it looked like the first time:
Here we are working on putting the siding on the frame:
Once that was complete, I shingled one of the roofing sheets. Boy did that make it heavy!!!
Wade and Calvin were able to slide it up to the top where I screwed it in but we decided that was not the smartest idea, so the other side we decided to roof it like a traditional roof…while it was on top of the structure. I put in the windows just in time. Monday afternoon…a VERY strong storm came through. Wade and I were able to get the other 1/2 of the roof covered with tar paper and a tarp.
Playhouse- Part II
We decided to make the frame for the house in the garage and then attach each wall. We knew once we had this done, that we would need to then put the sides and roof on quickly. Here is the frame completed and on the deck. I realized after it was put together that I did not take any pictures. But that is ok…because in the next few weeks I will have a chance to take them step-by-step…and will explain in a later post. 😉
The boards on the top are making sure the 4x4s stay straight and in place while we work on building the house around it.