Our Garden Friend

I am not sure why I wait so long to weed the garden.  It makes for a painful (literally) experience when I put it off until it is so overgrown.  I can’t believe that I did not get one edible thing out of the garden this year.  🙁  I am thinking I might plant fall tomatoes and see how that does.

As I was weeding and cussing Eve for eating the stupid fruit…the whole reason we have weeds to begin with… I mean really, I can handle child birth…it is a one time thing (or 2), but weeding…it happens several times a year!  Seriously!  Anyway…I ran into this guy.  The funny thing, DD#2 could not stop checking him out.  High heels and all… Such a tomboy for being a girly-girl!

3 thoughts on “Our Garden Friend

  1. sally - September 6, 2010


    dude, this is why i do NOT weed!! 🙂

  2. Summer - September 14, 2010

    That is enough to make me want to move….GROSS!!!! Was he still alive? Did you kill him???

  3. Summer - September 14, 2010

    Okay…I see he was alive now. The question is did you kill him?

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