More Garden Work

We have been diligently working in the garden.  Wade helped me double it in size and I am SOOOOOOO excited.  When we put it together 3 years ago, we built it right up to the fence.  Not good.  The fence will eventually rot at the bottom and the garden there was not helping.  We knew this when we did it, but no one was living next to us at the time.  We have neighbors now.  So we pulled the garden away from the fence and made a very narrow walkway behind it.  We then separated it down the middle since our yard drains right through the garden.  Before, we had the timbers up on a brick and lined the middle of the garden with rocks.  Now we have a rock pathway.  This will make it easier to get to the middle of the garden.

Here are the girls helping pick up some random rocks to put in the middle.  I am so glad they are not afraid to get dirty!

Here is the new garden area.  I knew that it would be slanted when we put the timbers down…but I had no idea HOW MUCH until I stepped back to take this picture.  I will level the garden in another 3 years…

This is our new vine garden.  We still have to put the trellis up on the wall.  Here we are going to attempt to grow loofah (yes, that is a plant), grapes, blackberries and raspberries.  Whichever doesn’t work, I will pull up and not plant next year.  Surely one of those 4 will work!  But then with my luck…there is no telling.  I had no idea that you cannot grow just 1 plant of strawberries (which I have tried to do the past 3 years).  My co-worker told me they can’t self pollinate.  We bought 10.  They better work this year!