Gutting the bathroom

Taking something apart is a whole lot easier than putting it back together.  The first part of our 2-week project was to gut the bathroom.  The toilet and tub stayed (much to DH’s disapproval).  DH wanted to replace the tub with a walk-in shower.  Thinking about resale, I did not think that was a good idea.  Anyone with children is going to want a tub right?

The mirror came down first, which made the room shrink in half!

After talking with my uncle, he mentioned to reuse the existing cabinets. Great idea! As I took out the drawers to look at how to convert it into a cabinet, we noticed how crappy the whole thing was. An executive decision was made and the cabinets came out. I would be building new ones. (((This project just got a lot more complicated!)))  Yes, the cabinets were made of flimsy panel board with a few pieces of particle board thrown in to look like it had some substance!

We knew that the tile was absent from under the cabinets, so what we built was going to have to fit within that 59″x23″ rectangle because I was not ripping up nor laying new tile.  One thing we were not prepared for was the AC drain pipe came into the sink drain.  We would have to keep that in mind when reconfiguring the plumbing.