This Is It

If you know me…I mean really know me, then you know about my bucket list.  For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to see 3 people in concert.  These are the 3 artists that define the era that I grew up in, not to mention who I think have had the most influence in music for my generation.

I almost had a car accident when I found out that that my FAVORITE of the 3 was coming to concert in Houston.  And I went.  Then, Madonna came to concert in Houston.  And I went.  Then, I could not believe it, but Michael Jackson announced concerts!  I tried…and tried to get tickets.  Every time he announced more shows had been added, I was online trying to buy tickets.  I had no idea how I was going to get to London, but I was determined! They were sold out.

And then he died.

I guess it was meant to be.  Had he not died, the movie would not have been made, I would have probably not ever seen him in concert.

Last night, my 2 teaching BFF’s and I went to see MJ’s movie- This Is It.  Thanks friends!  I had so much fun!