The Pioneer Woman

Yesterday, I went and did something a little out of character for me…I went and got a book signed by an author, Ree Drummond- The Pioneer Woman.  She is a blogger.  I have only been following her for about a year and a half, but she makes me laugh.  I love her stories about her dog Charlie, life on her ranch and homeschooling her “punks.”  Part of her blogging involves food and recipes and she just released a cookbook.  Now…I am not a cook.  In fact my dear husband does all of the cooking in our house.  BUT, if I did cook, I could follow her recipes…they are super easy.

I found out The Pioneer Woman was coming to town and asked my mom if she would go with me to get a book signed.  (My mom does not read her blog regularly, but I send her enough posts that she has some idea of what is going on.)  We got there at 11:00 to get our signing tickets.  We were told that she would start at 1pm and our color would probably not start signing until 2:30.  We came back at 2:15ish and were told it would be another couple hours!  CRAZY!  All for a blogger!  We came back at 4 and told we had at least another hour.

Finally at 4:30ish we got to get in the signing line.  Let me tell you…people are WEIRD…VERY WEIRD.  I am just amazed at the number of people primping before they got to the front of the line.  Seriously?!?!?  Maybe if I were meeting George Michael…  The other thing that shocked me was the number of gifts that people brought Ree Drummond.  There was a pile on the floor next to her.   I am sure she has interesting stories to tell every night after these book signings!  It is sorta like being a teacher at the end of the year, you get all this “stuff.”  That “stuff” makes its way to a recycled gift box which can be used as a white elephant gift a few years down the road.  Seriously…what is Ree going to do with a maroon A&M duck???  I digress…

I had my 4 yo with me and she told me she wanted to tell the lady signing books that her picture was on the front. LOL!  She became shy once we got up there and didn’t say anything.  My mom snapped this shot of us.  Let me tell you…I have always thought Ree was pretty, but she is even prettier in real life.  I can’t imagine being in her shoes…she lives on a ranch, homeschools her kids, starts a blog, writes a book and is now famous.  I am convinced it is just in the stars for some people!


2 responses to “The Pioneer Woman”

  1. Dad Avatar

    That was really interesting.

  2. Ken Avatar

    From what I understand, if you were to meet George Michael he would not appreciate any primping you might do for him or even notice. Now Wade on the other hand…