Tag: cabinets

  • Building Cabinets- The Doors

    As I waited for the mortar and grout to set on the counter, I continued working on the doors and drawer facings.  I had these wood knobs, and used a little metallic spray paint and some shellac to make the door knobs.


    (Taking a break to add the grout.)

    Putting the doors together.  I did not make the cuts 45% because I wanted a “farmhouse” kind of look.

    I used a table saw to cut out the back so that could glue in beadboard.  I did not use the dame kind that went on the walls, instead this kind is wood that snaps together, so it was double the thickness.

    I punted a bit here because I really did not know how i wanted to do this.  I glued on backing board on top of the back (and used a lot of clamps to make sure it stuck!).

    Next…putting in the sinks and plumbing…

  • Building Cabinets- Part 2

    After remaking the drawers, I was glad I waited for the bottom drawer until the cabinets were finished.  See the large space at the bottom?  That is for a step-drawer, something I have seen done…but never like this.  I wanted mine functional, not just a step, so mine also was big enough to store rolls of toilet paper in.

    With the lid.

    This time I was careful about measuring to make sure the drawer was going to fit and work correctly!

    Now it was time to put the cabinets in place.  Yippee!!!

    Next up…adding the counter…


  • Building Cabinets

    Let ms start by saying…I have never built cabinets…or drawers in my life.  I am not sure I want to ever again, but maybe after having done it, I will try it again.

    The original plan was to use the existing cabinets and just cut out the drawer part and make it doors to cabinets.  After tearing them apart (because they were not real cabinets), nothing about them was salvageable.

    I set to work on plans for building.  I knew I wanted a pull out drawer for standing on, and a flip out part in front of the sink.  Beyond that, I was really open to what to do.  I search Ana-White and found some ideas, but nothing I could follow all the way, so a lot of this is made up as I went.

    First was the base of the cabinet (leaving the back open).

    Then I had to figure out the support for the sinks which would also be used as drawer guides.  This was just trial and error.  I really had no idea what I was doing.

    Here is where I ROYALLY messed up…I made the drawers next.  Wait until the VERY end to make the drawers.  I ended up having to make them twice because I messed up the dimensions so badly.  But here are pictures of making them…twice…

    As the girls helped with the drawers I continued on the main cabinets–adding more supports for the drawers.

    Using pocket holes, the bottom was attached.  They are starting to look like real cabinets!

    Next came the facing.  This is where it is important to have the measurements right so that the facing is flush with the drawer supports.

    Priming and painting…X2

    Adding the drawer slides:

    This is where measuring after you finish with the drawer slides (or really knowing you will be exact) will prevent having to remake the drawers.  I found that when I finished, I had not taken into account the wheel on the slide.  My drawers were a 1/4″ too big.  No bueno.  🙁

    More to come…

  • Gutting the bathroom

    Taking something apart is a whole lot easier than putting it back together.  The first part of our 2-week project was to gut the bathroom.  The toilet and tub stayed (much to DH’s disapproval).  DH wanted to replace the tub with a walk-in shower.  Thinking about resale, I did not think that was a good idea.  Anyone with children is going to want a tub right?

    The mirror came down first, which made the room shrink in half!

    After talking with my uncle, he mentioned to reuse the existing cabinets. Great idea! As I took out the drawers to look at how to convert it into a cabinet, we noticed how crappy the whole thing was. An executive decision was made and the cabinets came out. I would be building new ones. (((This project just got a lot more complicated!)))  Yes, the cabinets were made of flimsy panel board with a few pieces of particle board thrown in to look like it had some substance!

    We knew that the tile was absent from under the cabinets, so what we built was going to have to fit within that 59″x23″ rectangle because I was not ripping up nor laying new tile.  One thing we were not prepared for was the AC drain pipe came into the sink drain.  We would have to keep that in mind when reconfiguring the plumbing.