Monarch Migration

We went and picked up my grandfather for Thanksgiving.  I use the term “picking up” lightly since it is a 6.5 hour drive to Abilene to get him. When we got to his house, his roses are in full bloom and there were butterflies everywhere!  The monarchs are migrating south for the winter.  I tried to get some pictures, but most of them flew away.  It was getting dark , and was supposed to get cooler, so they did not return.  I managed to get 1 good picture.

Ok…I know that when you get old, you have the right to be grouchy…but he has given new meaning to it!  It is no wonder that he has 3 of his 5 children NOT talking to him and haven’t for a while.  I am finally starting to see his true colors.  It takes a very strong person to be able to look beyond the cynicism and ignore the rudeness.  After a day I was ready to drop him off on the side of the road.  Don’t get me wrong, I still love him because he is my grandfather…but OMG!  I was told how everything I did was wrong!  He complained about eating Thanksgiving dinner too late (we ate at 6pm), and how I did a 1/2 ass job refinishing our 22 year old table (it was not smooth enough), and how I need to use my blinker correctly (don’t push it all the way down if I am merging or it will break the clicker in it) and how we keep our house too cold and we need to turn the fans off and I could go on and on.  I could go on…but he is old and I guess he has a right to be grouchy…maybe…