Let ms start by saying…I have never built cabinets…or drawers in my life. I am not sure I want to ever again, but maybe after having done it, I will try it again.
The original plan was to use the existing cabinets and just cut out the drawer part and make it doors to cabinets. After tearing them apart (because they were not real cabinets), nothing about them was salvageable.

I set to work on plans for building. I knew I wanted a pull out drawer for standing on, and a flip out part in front of the sink. Beyond that, I was really open to what to do. I search Ana-White and found some ideas, but nothing I could follow all the way, so a lot of this is made up as I went.
First was the base of the cabinet (leaving the back open).

Then I had to figure out the support for the sinks which would also be used as drawer guides. This was just trial and error. I really had no idea what I was doing.

Here is where I ROYALLY messed up…I made the drawers next. Wait until the VERY end to make the drawers. I ended up having to make them twice because I messed up the dimensions so badly. But here are pictures of making them…twice…

As the girls helped with the drawers I continued on the main cabinets–adding more supports for the drawers.

Using pocket holes, the bottom was attached. They are starting to look like real cabinets!

Next came the facing. This is where it is important to have the measurements right so that the facing is flush with the drawer supports.

Priming and painting…X2

Adding the drawer slides:

This is where measuring after you finish with the drawer slides (or really knowing you will be exact) will prevent having to remake the drawers. I found that when I finished, I had not taken into account the wheel on the slide. My drawers were a 1/4″ too big. No bueno. 🙁

More to come…