I have mentioned before that every year I plant a garden.
I am not a good gardener.
In fact, to put it mildly, I suck at it.
But someday, I will get the hang of it.
This is my garden this year.

I tried to think about how things have grown in the past and plant accordingly. My tomatoes can usually take over the world and get taller than the fence, so I put them in the back. My cucumbers were so small last year (first year for those) so I thought I would put them in front of the tomatoes. I also planted some jalapenos on the end where it gets the most sun.
Of course…things are growing differently this year. But that is par for me. Nothing can ever be the same. It is now June and I still only have blooms on the tomatoes and cucumbers. When the fruit finally starts growing, I am not sure what we are going to do with it all! I caged the cucumbers this year, and they are taller than the tomatoes. Is that normal? oh well….
And here is the corn we decided to plant:

Yes, we have the ugly electrical box in our HUGE yard. Since it is only about 12 feet to our house, this nice 4 foot area takes up 1/3 of the yard. Not to mention they are finally working on the construction of the house next door, so they dug up part of my corn. But it was an experiment so I was not terribly upset.
Corn is weird.

It starts with the strings (not sure of the technical name). Then the corn starts growing.

Then there is our carrots. This year I planted them in a planter. We have some friendly rabbits that keep getting in the yard.

And our herbs. I planted these 2 years ago thinking my DH would use them when he cooks. He never came out and picked them. So they died. I replanted them last year. Same thing. They died. I refused to plant them this year and they all grew back. I think it is a sign.