If you have not figured out by now, I am a total 80’s girl. Through and through. I am the typical email that goes around…”you know you are a child of the 80’s if you had a cabbage patch kid collection, puffy stickers and know what getting slimed is on Nickelodeon.” And of course, my sister and I were avid fans of Punky Brewster. Yes, that show with the orphan who lives with Henry Warnimont, has the crazy shoes and funny personality. I can’t tell you the number of times I DREAMED of being that little girl!
A few years ago, my mom picked up the first season of Punky Brewster for me on DVD. Just for ol’ times sake… Well…MY two little girls were obviously attracted to the cover and wanted to watch it. Pretty soon that was the only thing they watched. My mom bought the other 3 seasons to finish our collection. The girls can tell you what happens in every.single.episode. (Obsession comes to mind…like mother like daughters…) I must admit, they don’t make wholesome family TV shows like they used to…
That little girl grew up. (Both of us!) Soleil now owns a shop in LA called The Little Seed that sells organic clothing for children. She has over a million twitter followers and is constantly posting videos and pictures on her website about her life with her 2 little girls. I am pretty sure she is a great friend…if you are lucky enough to have her as a friend!
In August, she did a promo with Target to release her new book Happy Chaos. For 30 minutes, she answered questions about parenting on twitter. After watching the feed for a while I submitted a question…and she actually answered!!! Punky Brewster saw something I wrote…and responded!!! I felt like I was 10 again!
Then…the first 10 people to retweet the TargetBaby tweet about Happy Chaos would receive the book in the mail. You can bet my fingers were moving! And I won!!! AND she signed the book!!!
I read the whole thing on one of my trips. Maybe because I wondered what it would be like to be someone famous in Hollywood, maybe I am just a big nerd (well…I know that is true!), but the book was really good! Soleil talks about her life growing up mixed in with what she thinks about being a parent now and how it all relates. Aside from the fact that her children’s God parents are the Kutchers (yes that would be Ashton and Demi Moore), everything about her is “normal.”